Revolutionise mortgage lending with cloud-based tools

Mambu's guide to efficient loan management

Despite projected global growth, the retail mortgage market is facing continued turbulence as housing stock declines and economic pressures on borrowers mount.

The challenge is how to overcome outdated legacy systems and technical debt to deliver modern mortgage solutions, faster and more cost effectively while delivering the choice and convenience modern borrowers expect.

This report shows how switching their lending core to the cloud with Mambu can open the doors to a more resource-lite way to develop, launch and run exciting new mortgage lending solutions. Without compromising financial performance, outpacing skills or incurring infrastructure costs.

Switching to a cloud lending core

Lenders must deliver more speed, choice and flexibility

Whatever type of mortgage lending business you’re in, today’s lending platforms must deliver a cost advantage. That means improvements in overall efficiency and a tangible reduction in IT costs.

Switching to a cloud lending core and API-driven ecosystem can help you re-engineer a more competitive future with significant increase in efficiency, profitability and performance.

And, by connecting to best-of-breed suppliers, you can use composable banking to tailor workflow capability to specific requirements and deliver modern mortgage solutions.


Rapid. Faster. Better.

Switching from a legacy system to a resource lite cloud lending core powered by Mambu’s composable cloud-native APIs – and hosted via a compliant provider like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) – delivers multiple benefits.

Rapid implementation

Mambu clients have implemented new core lending solutions to offer retail mortgages in 6-9 months, dramatically shorter than entirely replacing their legacy platform.

Better experience and incremental growth

With Mambu powering the core lending capabilities, an Australian lender recorded a 25% uplift in quarterly growth after implementation.

Faster product-to-market

Leveraging product configurations and existing integration patterns shortens development and launch cycles – in some cases delivering solutions in less than a month.


Customer stories

Ready to get started?

Let’s accelerate your retail mortgages journey together.