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ADEPT Decisions


Your FinTech Lending Toolkit

Who we are:

We disrupt the status quo in the lending industry by providing FinTechs with decisioning software and analytics to level the playing field, promote financial inclusion and support a new generation of financial products.

In addition to our highly flexible approach, the skills we provide across the different solution sets (software, configuration, consulting and training) are unmatched in the industry.

Finally, we have priced our solution to provide the most value and flexibility for our clients.

We fully understand the credit business and the importance of establishing ongoing relationships where we can both grow in the future.

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Intuitive, highly flexible & robust cloud-based platform to quickly design new & manage existing strategies - eliminating integration & deployment issues:

  • Rapid, low-cost set-up with free & automatic updates & ultra-fast performance
  • Highly flexible, enables the rapid roll-out of all digital lending & FinTech products
  • User friendly web-based interfaces with video tutorials & free FLS support & training
  • Test & Learn Easily run multiple A/B test strategies to continually test/learn
  • What-if analysis enables low risk strategy design & deployment
  • IT not required for strategy changes, placing the risk team in the driver’s seat
  • Best use of telco/alternative data & AI techniques for accuracy
  • Strategy consulting & training ensure that clients maximise their A/B test results
  • Fully configured for each unique operating environment
  • SaaS: only pay for what is used, no maintenance fees, 99.99% uptime
  • Fees: transparent, minimal upfront/monthly = accurate budgeting & rapid ROI

Track record

Our team of experts have many years of experience in the areas of business process management, credit risk and fraud management, collections, strategic business consulting, systems architecture, software development, business analysis, advanced analytics, scorecard development, and programme management.

What is a Decision Engine?

Credit Scoring Service Once the scorecards have been developed, they then need to reside within software that can be used to calculate the scores, generate reports and also perform policies decisioning.

Typical ADEPT Decisions ROI

Only a decision engine has the true flexibility and functionality to perform complex calculations and make granular assessments which maximise the results of a portfolio by addressing all performance metrics.

Manage the entire Originations Decisions process

Only a decision engine has the true flexibility and functionality to perform complex calculations and make granular assessments which maximise the results of a portfolio by addressing all performance metrics.

ADEPT Decisions Features

  • Conversion of large amounts of disparate data into meaningful information for the generation of intelligent decisions.
  • Strongly predictive risk, affordability and KYC fraud prevention to ensure lenders minimise losses and maximise revenues.
  • The next evolution in personal loan decisioning. Designed to optimise an applicant’s loan amount, repayment term and pricing terms and conditions.
  • Using non-traditional credit data to predict repayment, spend and renewal performance to maximise and stabilise airtime revenues. * Ultra short-term loan decisioning. Extremely high-volume processing, with complex components which need to be 100% automated.

Assessment of affordability based on small business turnover, overlaid with predictive internal and external data on the principal of the business.

For more information, please visit our partner's website.

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