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PaymentGenes is an internationally recognized consulting & recruitment service partner to the Fintech and payments industry. We help ambitious companies grow with the right payments expertise and professionals.



Founded in 2014 by payments industry professionals we grew to become a leading international consulting, interim and recruitment company. We empower and connect payment professionals to facilitate growth.

PaymentGenes delivers payments consultancy services to the whole value chain as well as providing recruitment and interim services. From our consulting services we help future issuers to make the right choices fitting their business objectives. Co-create the right card product, select the scheme and issuing platform and implement the certified solution towards production. Acting as your issuing program manager. Next to enabling you with distinctive card solutions we are able to source and connect your payments functionality from either classical processors or fintech providers.

Amongst many references we recently selected the issuing provider for a PSP, provided guidance to a neo bank and are involved with the mobility sector enabling tokenized card solutions. For an international bank we selected and implemented the provider for their SEPA and UK payments needs.

We work for customers like Zalando, Daimler, Amazon, Currencycloud, WorldPay, Sodexo, but also banks like Alpian, ATB, ING and Rabo.

Benefits of Integration with Mambu
As industry specialists we help you compose and establish the best issuing and payment solutions to fit your new banking capabilities with Mambu. From scheme and provider selection, training of your staff to implementation we help steer towards success.

Grow with payments expertise!